Friday, May 2, 2008

May Day!

Ok, so I'm one day off, but yesterday was May Day. Perhaps this doesn't mean anything to you, but in my house, it was a day of excitement!

Every year, on the first of May, my 4 siblings and I would wake up extra early before school, run out into the back yard and pick a host of wild flowers that grew out there. There would be daffodils, lilacs, spring beauties, sweet williams, and lots more.

Then came the fun part - we would put them into construction paper cones that we had made the decorated the day before and pile into the car. Then Mom would drive us to church friends and family members homes. She would park down the street and we would get out of the car with our homemade bouquet (giggling all the way, of course), run down the street, put the flowers on the door, ring the bell and run!

You see, May Day was our day to surprise those we loved with some flowers. I'm sure they figured it out every year that it was us, but it was fun to leave a surprise, anyway.

Remember this fun holiday got me thinking this week. How many times in our lives does God leave us a surprise. Quite often! If you've looked outside lately, you can see surprises from Him everywhere! Have you looked at the church parking lot? There are huge lilac bushes that are just bursting with beauty and wonderful scents. That's a gift from God! We've had a couple of really nice days this week...that's right, another gift from God!

How lucky are we that God is always there - surprising us with the beauty of nature, blessing us beyond what we could even ask him for! He is truly an amazing God!

Take some time this week to ask your family members how they have been blessed by God. You may be surprised at how much He has blessed you and you didn't even realize it!

Happy (belated) May Day!

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