Friday, April 24, 2009


Well, as you have probably heard, I am on bed rest until the baby comes in a couple of weeks. That means I am not allowed to leave the couch for anything except to take a shower and go to the bathroom. Not exactly fun.

I have had a lot of time to sit and think during these past few days. There are so many things in life that we take for granted on a daily basis. We don't realize it until it is taken away from us or we are put in a new situation.

For example - I am really coming to appreciate this beautiful spring weather! Normally, I would just enjoy it as I walked to and from work. But yesterday, I spent a couple of hours out in our hammock, reading and taking a nap. Even Smudge joined me for a snooze!

Another new appreciation I have? Being able to do housework! Now, I know what you are saying "why would you ever want to do housework?!" Well, it may not always be the most fun, but the ability to be able to move around the house and get stuff done is quite the blessing! It's been driving me crazy that I can't get up and help around the house. I have definitely become appreciative of the times in my life when I am well...even if it means I have to do housework.

Well, I just wanted to write a quick post and let you all know what was on my mind. I hope that you will take some time today and appreciate all that you have going for you. Take time to thank God for all the blessings in your life - even the seemingly insignificant ones. And yes, that means thanking him for the ability to do housework!

Now - go help your mom's by dusting something and praise God while you do it! ;o)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

From Christmas Straight to Easter

It's crazy how fast the last four months have gone!! It seems like just yesterday we were in Advent and waiting for Christmas and now suddenly we're almost finished with Lent. With Easter just a few short days away, I find myself getting excited about summer and making plans for vacations and Encounter tour. Bible study is still in full swing and the renovations on the youth room are moving right along. Lots to look forward to in the coming months!

It's very important though to slow down and reflect on this time before Easter and how amazing it really is. Think about it, God came down from Heaven and all it's glory to Earth and all it's imperfection, only to die a horrible death on a cross. The thought of it makes me all misty and to be honest, a little nauseous. He died so that we could cast off all our burdens and all our sins and know that we can be forgiven just by asking. He died so that everyone can be free in him. Not "everyone" like a blanket statement, but "every one". He did it for each of us individually.

Why would he do something crazy that? Simply because he loves us. Our love for him may grow and change over time as we pursue our relationship with him, but it can never be as big as the love he had for us all along.

So, especially in this last week of Lent, don't forget to set aside some time and just say thanks to Jesus for being such an amazing, crazy awesome Savior.