Saturday, April 4, 2009

From Christmas Straight to Easter

It's crazy how fast the last four months have gone!! It seems like just yesterday we were in Advent and waiting for Christmas and now suddenly we're almost finished with Lent. With Easter just a few short days away, I find myself getting excited about summer and making plans for vacations and Encounter tour. Bible study is still in full swing and the renovations on the youth room are moving right along. Lots to look forward to in the coming months!

It's very important though to slow down and reflect on this time before Easter and how amazing it really is. Think about it, God came down from Heaven and all it's glory to Earth and all it's imperfection, only to die a horrible death on a cross. The thought of it makes me all misty and to be honest, a little nauseous. He died so that we could cast off all our burdens and all our sins and know that we can be forgiven just by asking. He died so that everyone can be free in him. Not "everyone" like a blanket statement, but "every one". He did it for each of us individually.

Why would he do something crazy that? Simply because he loves us. Our love for him may grow and change over time as we pursue our relationship with him, but it can never be as big as the love he had for us all along.

So, especially in this last week of Lent, don't forget to set aside some time and just say thanks to Jesus for being such an amazing, crazy awesome Savior.

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