Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So, I've been sick for the last few days. It has not been fun. I've basically been a lump on the couch for the past 72 hours.

Today, I was trying to think about the last time I remembered feeling "normal." As I was figuring that it was probably around Saturday morning, I realized that I definitely take for granted when I am feeling well. You know what I mean, when we are healthy, we don't really take time to thank God for feeling good, you know?

That, in turn, got me wondering about what else we take advantage of on a daily basis. One thought - Jesus' death and resurrection.

Sure, a few weeks ago, we spent a lot of time thinking about Jesus on the cross. We celebrated a beautiful (and snowy!) Easter morning. We took time to thank God for taking away our sins.

But how often have we thought about it since Easter Sunday? Have we taken time daily to thank God for all that he has blessed us with? Have we taken a few moments to think about what Jesus went through for us? Probably not.

So, I want to challenge you all this week. Take time EVERY day to thank God for his sacrifice on the cross. Thank him for everything he did on your behalf. Spend some time with God - he's always wanting to spend more time with you!

1 comment:

Big G said...


So sorry that you are still feeling poorly!!! Had a nice bible study last night with good attendance...we decided that the Laws and Grace of Exodus have much that we can apply to our lives today...we even touched on "cleaning up after ourselves" when we get snacks at other churches in Encounter. I hope that you get to feeling better soon...I must admit that I have been hitting the Mucinex a bit lately...cough, cough. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the BIG Sponsors meeting...can you hear the echo..."Be There....Be There...Be There" Good for a LAUGH anyway!!!!

Hugs and Prayers,

Big G