Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Wow. I have been in the office for roughly 1 hour. When I came in, it was flurrying, but nothing major. There was hardly a flake on the ground. But now, its blizzarding outside. There are already several inches of snow on the ground and in the office we have decided that we need to take a half day to make sure everyone makes it home safely (myself not included...since I live across the street).

But the craziest thing about this snowstorm is that 2 days ago, it was a lovely 78 degrees outside. What is up with that?

This whole weird weather thing has really got me thinking about the way things in our life can change so quickly. We never know when we are going to get a call from a loved one saying they only have days to live because of cancer or news from a family member that they are moving across the country. Life is crazy and unpredictable.

But fortunately for us - we have one thing in our life that will always stay constant - God. God is always there for us, whether we are happy or sad, freezing cold or warm. We can always lean on him because he is always there. Isn't that good news to hear in a quickly changing world?

I think so.

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