Monday, August 20, 2007

What's Going On

I can't believe that today is the first day of school. Where did the time go? Summer seemed to be over in a flash! Anyway, new school year means a whole slew of new youth activities! So, here's the update with what is going on:

  • Bible study starts TOMORROW, Tuesday from 6:00-7:00. Since its the first one, you are welcome to join us for FREE PIZZA at 5:30!

  • Parents' Meeting is on Sunday from 6:00-8:00. Come with your parents and learn all about the new youth program, get your forms signed, and sign up for fun retreats this fall!

  • YAR! - Youth Annual Retreat for MIDDLE SCHOOL will be on Oct. 19-21. Sign up on Pastor Nicole's door. Cost is $50. You must be signed up, paid in full, and have your forms filled out by Tuesday night, Sept. 4th!

  • Fall Retreat - Oct. 26-28th at Lake Williamson in Carlinville. All youth are invited to participate. Cost is $50. Space is limited. Sign up now on Pastor Nicole's door. You must be signed up by Sunday, Oct. 14th.

So, as you can see, we have a LOT going on right now! How exciting! Let me know if you have any questions!

OH, and we have officially named the youth group - FourTwelve! So, keep on rockin' FourTwelvers!

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