Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Enco Tour '07

Well, we made it back from Georgia. And I think its safe to say that everyone had a pretty good time. Despite rain and humidity, we were able to do a lot of really fun things. We saw some dolphins and other sea life, half the group saw a mother sea turtle laying eggs and a baby sea turtle climbing out into the ocean. We spent time at the beach, in the historic town of Savannah, and at the St. Simon's Island Pier.

We sang at several churches and the choir did amazing. We definitely saw God moving through us this past week. And that was an amazing feeling.

And now its back to the grind, but I'm actually pretty excited about that because we've got a lot of things coming up for the youth. The new school year is right around the corner and that means our youth program will be going into full swing!

So, I hope to be seeing you around soon!

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