Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas is almost here!

I can’t believe its time for Christmas trees and festive music. Where did the year go? It seems that time goes by so fast these days, especially during this time of the year. Before we know it, all the presents will be unwrapped and the cookies eaten and we will be heading into a new year.

Knowing this, I want to get all that I can out of the Christmas season before it is over. Now, I’m not talking about making sure I capitalize on shopping sales and getting in all the Christmas movies I can watch during the season. I’m talking about spending time reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas.

Like the Grinch, I think it’s easy for us to think that Christmas is about the presents, food, etc. But, in the end, I hope that we, like the Grinch, discover that the true meaning of Christmas doesn’t lie in these things. Christmas is about the anticipation of our King, coming to greet us in this lost and broken world. Christmas is about knowing that God keeps promises and that we are not alone or lost.

So, this year, as we move quickly through this season, let us make sure that we take time to pause. Let us reflect on the coming of the King, and how, even thousands of years later, we can still celebrate the birth of a baby that changed the world.

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