Thursday, November 8, 2007


I am sitting at my desk and for the last hour and a half, I have been trying to find things to do that I can finish up instead of writing the articles I need to write for the Chimes.

Why am I procrastinating, you may ask? Well, I'm not sure. I don't hate writing articles for the Chimes...I don't really mind it, in fact. But, there seems to be something in my nature that makes me want to procrastinate. I have done this since I was in college. I always seem to work better under pressure. Who knows why...I guess its just how God created me.

So, as you may have figured out, I am using this blog as a way to procrastinate. Probably not the best use of my time, as I have no idea how many youthies really read this thing anyway...but, I'm writing just the same.

As I was thinking about how much procrastinating I'm doing (despite that I am getting a lot done...just not the stuff that needs immediate attention), I was thinking about how I procrastinate in other ways in my life. Sure there are the every day things most of us procrastinate with - emptying the dishwasher, putting away laundry, cleaning out the fridge (gross!). But what about God?

How are you procrastinating in areas of your life that have to do with God? Have you been putting off spending time with God - reading your Bible or praying? Have you been putting off asking a friend to come to church because you aren't sure how they will react? Have you been putting off making the commitment to become more involved in church yourself?

In my life, if I decide to put something off, I become the MASTER of putting it off. In college, I dubbed myself "The Master Procrastinator." If I decided I'd do my devotions a little later...well, I would find tons of things to keep me from doing it until it had been put off for the whole day...not a great way to treat God, is it? He deserves so much more than the end of the day when we are tired and ready for sleep.

So, as I finish up this blog and get back to writing those Chimes articles (like I should be!), I want to stress the importance of NOT procrastinating with God. Spend time with Him...He deserves it. And not the "I'll do it later" time. God deserves your best time...your "right now" time. Lets not procrastinate any longer.

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